What We Did // Copenhagen

Tivoli Gardens

We spent the afternoon here. It’s a huge theme park filled with lots of gardens and was overall a nice vibe. The restaurants were good and Elle enjoyed everything at the park.

Tivoli Gardens



This is a must do. We strolled around here and ate at a restaurant on the canal. We also spent some time visiting the shops (lots of antique shops) around this area.


You kind of stumble on this street if you’re walking around Copenhagen. Love that it’s a car-free zone. Perfect for the stroller.


Torvehallerne Food Market

Torvehallerne Food Market

We stopped here almost everyday for either lunch or a quick dinner. There’s so much variety, and it was perfect for on-the-go meals when we needed to be back home to get Elle to bed.

Rosenborg Castle

This was a morning activity - if you want to go inside, you have to buy a ticket but the wait times are long. I recommend buying a ticket online for a time slot that works for you and that way you just show up and walk in.

Rosenborg Castle

Kings Garden inside of the park

Kings Garden inside of the park

Our airbnb was right next to this park, so we started and ended our days here. I LOVED how many people hang out here and it felt so nice to just lay on the grass. The perfect place for Elle to crawl and roll around.


There’s SO many shops all over Copenhagen. We would usually just wander around and find a cool place to walk into.
